What’s Next for HIDDEN?

Here are plans for the near future:

  • We are making some changes to the script based on the recent performances.
  • We had professional video done of the last 2 shows.  That footage is in the process of being edited.  Once the video is ready, we will look into ways it can be shown in various places around the country.  Contact us for details if you are interested in setting up a showing: david@hiddenthemusical.com
  • We have recently completed the script for a shorter, smaller traveling version of the show, working with Rick Sperling.  We will have a few readings of this traveling version of HIDDEN in the coming months, make some more revisions, and then begin putting together a production to bring to schools, synagogues, churches, senior centers and community centers.
  • We will professionally record many of the songs from HIDDEN in December.

A huge thank you once again to everyone who has supported HIDDEN!  We couldn’t do this without you!

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