Photos & Videos (old)
Photo Gallery 1
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1. Book: Your Name is Renée
2. Arthès
3. Fedou home, Arthès
4. Saut du Tern Factory, Arthès
5. Saut du Tarn factory, Arthès
6. Abbey gates Sorèze
Video: Ruth Being Left At Abbey
Photo Gallery 2
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8. Abbey gate (Renée view), Sorèze
9. Plaque-at-Abbey-Sorèze
Video: Hiding Place In Chapel, Sorèze
Photo Gallery 3
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11. Lucette (Fedou family)
12. Francine (Fedou family) & Ruth
13. Ruth & Emilie (Fedou family)
14. Ruth & Laurent (Fedou family)
15. Holocaust Remembrance Garden, Arthès
Video: Ruth Reading Plaque, Arthès
Photo Gallery 4
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17. War Memorial, Lautrec
18. Ruth w:Lautrec town historian
19. Ruth w:Lautrec town historian
20. Ruth & Barry w:David & Jenny, Sorèze
21. David & his parents, Jim & Esther, Albi
22. Ruth speaking, Arthès Town Hall
23. Hidden Children Reunion, Arthès Town Hall